Failed New Year’s Resolutions

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Today is already the end of the first month of the new year. We blink and time will pass us by.

How long does a new year’s resolution last? A lifetime? The whole year? How about a few days to a few weeks.

Yesterday, I went to the gym. It was notable how different a couple of weeks made. It was not as crowded as it was a few weeks ago as I wrote in a blog before. Does that mean the people with resolutions to go to the gym and exercise, fizzled out already?

This is a classic example of human endeavor. We just cannot sustain our initial enthusiasm, nor can we finish what we started. Are we doomed to fail? Maybe this is the very reason why some people (that may include me) don’t make new year’s resolution at all: the fear of failing.

However, if we don’t at least make an effort to commit ourselves to change or make resolutions, then I believe that it is more dangerous, for we will not care at all. For me, it is better to make a resolution and fail, than not make one, or not care to change at all. I know no one can claim that he/she has no more room for improvement. For we all do.

Go ahead, try to quit smoking for the thousandth time. Try to exercise more regularly instead of once a year. Try to live more healthy. Try to stop chewing your fingernails. Try to blog everyday (I’m still working on this). Try to take a bath everyday or at least once a week (you have to, for the sake of the people around you). Try to be more patient and loving. Try to make more time for your family. Or just try to be a better person.

If we fail? There’s always the next year. We only really fail, if we completely quit trying.

By the way, who said you can only make resolutions during new year? Start one today.

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